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人民幣兌美元中間價上調 197 點,報 6.6676,上一交易日報 6.6873。
捕手Chris Stewart剛從傷兵名單出來,剛好趕得上這次活動,他也跟小朋友並肩合影。
▲ 捕手Chris Stewart剛從傷兵名單出來,剛好趕得上這次活動,他也跟小朋友並肩合影。(圖/取材自海盜隊推特)
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終結者Tony Watson、投手Jared Hughes、外野手Starling Marte 與Stewart都愛心不落人後。
牛棚教練Heberto Andrade原本就頂上無毛,不過他硬是想辦法參加活動,請小朋友幫他擦亮光頭,也是心意十足。
皇家創紀錄牛棚大合照 建仔站中間很吸睛
回歸大聯盟扛先發第5棒 溥儀哥充滿感激
雷神好投吞敗 大都會外卡戰情告急
墊底球隊發火 雙城止13連敗.勇士主場首橫掃
列斯特完投9局 小熊1分險勝巨人
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CLEVELAND, OH - AUGUST 17: Shortstop Francisco Lindor #12 of the Cleveland Indians celebrates after taging out Tyler Saladino #18 of the Chicago White Sox on an attempted stolen base to end the top ... 較多CLEVELAND, OH - AUGUST 17: Shortstop Francisco Lindor #12 of the Cleveland Indians celebrates after taging out Tyler Saladino #18 of the Chicago White Sox on an attempted stolen base to end the top for the third inning at Progressive Field on August 17, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images) 較少
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